Cutting of the Cord

Cutting of the Cord
 Elephant Dung, Natural Clay, Sisal Ropes, Grass, Beech Wood-2020
120x 20cm x120 cm
Installation created out of Elephant dung and sisal ropes, known as code cutting a metaphysical method that is whereby the participants imagine letting go of the negative memories that created blockages in life and remain with gentle and positive memories like that of an Elephant which is also the logo of organization GYCO-Global Youth Conference Art and Education Academy, whose meaning is PEACE and COHESION.
Inspired by artist Chris Ofili who also uses Elephant dung in his works and acknowledges the elephant as an important totem in most African cultures.

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“As an African conceptual artist, in the contemporary sense, with a multi-disciplinary artistic practice, I employ different mediums and materials such as elephant dung, through the media of painting in a stylized form, FOTO collage, sculpting, film, performance and installations that are conceptually built. My work explores various topics including consciousness, spiritual science, meta-physics, self-development, critical thinking and identity: not limited to queer-feminist agenda. These question how we humans relate to the world around us, our connection to the universe, and what interventions we can take in the environment in order to live in harmony, within and without. Presenting subjects as variable as the effects of armed conflict, and self-leadership the art submits familiar visual signs“

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