
#4 Landscape and Footprints

Acrylic on Canvas-2020 150x150cm These works with footprints, focuses on the practice of forgiveness and reconciliation which has a long-standing history throughout the world. By fusing the Hawaiian method of forgiveness called Hoponobono with an African context, whereby it is believed that errors that are caused by man can bring misfortune to the society or community and, as for individuals […]
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RAY OF ANSCESTORS Zambarau (Purple) Acrylic on canvas and Elephant dung –  2022
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Tunza (Care) Pigmented Elephant dung with acrylics on canvas, Textile (Kanga) and cowrie shell-2023 125x90cm
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Pigmented Elephant dung with acrylics on canvas,Textile (Kanga) and cowrie shell-2023 90x125cm
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Fikiria(Thinking) Pigmented Elephant dung with acrylics on canvas, Textile (Kanga) and cowrie shell-2023 195x155cm
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