
Cutting of the Cord

Cutting of the Cord  Elephant Dung, Natural Clay, Sisal Ropes, Grass, Beech Wood-2020 120x 20cm x120 cm Installation created out of Elephant dung and sisal ropes, known as code cutting a metaphysical method that is whereby the participants imagine letting go of the negative memories that created blockages in life and remain with gentle and positive memories like that of […]
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Wang O .Forgiveness Wall with 110 Envelops

Wang O is an Acholi term meaning, burn in the fire, where traditionally people used to sit around the fire and talk openly about their personal issues, sharing unfiltered stories, knowledge and various complex issues that affected the families or communities. Inspired by the works of Yoko Ono of the wish tree where participants are asked to write their wishes and […]
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